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Dr.Ganz Ferrance

International Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur, and Award-winning Psychologist

Registered Psychologist, Dr. Ganz Ferrance, is a Speaker, Author, and Coach. He holds a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and an MA in Developmental and Educational Psychology. He's the former Public Education Director and former Vice-President of the Psychologists' Association of Alberta. He holds the John C. Patterson Media Award from the Psychologists' Association of Alberta; the Rosalina Smith Award from the National Black Coalition of Canada; and the Special Service Award from the Canadian Mental Health Association (Alberta).


Since the early '90s, Dr. Ganz has been helping individuals, couples, families, and corporations beat BURNOUT, reduce their levels of stress, improve their relationships, and enjoy more success.

Known for working with the toughest of the tough including fourth-generation gang members, hardened oil and gas workers, battle-tested CEOs and entrepreneurs, and stressed-out law enforcement officers, Dr.Ganz is truly a master at showing people in high-stress occupations no-nonsense, practical strategies to stay focused, make healthy decisions under pressure and boost communication skills to reduce conflict during difficult situations. This approach has made him a sought-after public speaker— with audiences in the United States and Canada enjoying his fun, engaging, and life-changing presentations on beating stress and building superior relationships.


Doesn't matter if you are the CEO or the person who sweeps the floors. The bottom line is: That the
Better You Feel - The Better You Do. Dr. Ganz will give you practical, user-friendly, down-to-earth advice, tools, and education - all in a cohesive system. Your team will manage stress, communicate effectively and build healthier relationships.




Discover how you and your people can Feel Your Best - so you can Perform Your Best

After 30 years in the field of psychology, one of my biggest grievances is that the vast majority of approaches ONLY kick in AFTER people already have problems. Burnout and mental health concerns are the major cause of lost productivity and profits. This costs Canadian businesses over $50 Billion Dollars each year. 

Think about what it is costing your company.


With my practical, down-to-earth guidance you can:

  • Be preventative and proactive with your company’s lost time and insurance claims

  • Identify and head-off mental health problems in your staff before they start

  • Build your team’s resilience for consistently high performance

  • Protect your employees as well as your company’s bottom line

  • Use these strategies at home for greater work-life harmony

Do you ever…

  • Wonder how to preemptively protect your workers’ mental health?

  • Wish you could optimize your workers’ best performance?

  • Wonder how you could reduce WCB and insurance claims?

  • Wanted to have a more engaged workforce?

  • Wish you could reduce costly absenteeism (or non-constructive presenteeism)?


Here’s the secret…

There are “battle-tested” strategies that build resilience and a potent mindset so you and your people can be successful at work and at home. The problem is most people don’t know what they are.


Let me explain:

Did you ever have a brilliant comeback to an argument - but only to have it show up after the argument is over? (Like George Costanza and the shrimp comeback - Seinfeld). You can have all the knowledge and experience you need in the world, but if you are in the wrong state of being, you will never be able to express what you know or perform to your true potential.  The best investment you can make is understanding how to manage your state of mind. That way your brilliance can show up when you actually need it instead of when it’s too late.

The same process happens with your workers when they are out of their optimal state.


Be Proactive, Take Action:

  • Discover Dr. Ganz’s proprietary “Me FACTOR” system to keep you feeling and functioning your best

  • Learn to use the “Decision Matrix” - a tool for making balanced choices so your important things do not fall through the cracks

  • Identify habits and thought patterns that successful people use to maintain peak performance at work and home

  • Apply the “Me FACTOR” strategy to flip your struggling employees to high-performance workers, and reduce your headaches as a decision maker


Mental health is no longer a taboo topic! 

  • For every US dollar invested in treating depression and anxiety, there was a $4 return in better health and ability to work according to a WHO-led study published in the Lancet Psychiatry journal [2016]. 


With Dr. Ganz, you learn good self-care and stress management practices, so you and your people are more resilient and inoculated from stress, burnout, and other mental health issues.


Like most Canadians, you may have been stopped from looking after your mental health needs by not knowing where to go, what to do or having the funds to make it happen. Your company has solved all of these problems for you by hiring Dr. Ganz! You now have the resources to be a rockstar at work and in your personal life. 





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